It has been very helpful in my daily work and i would recommend it to all interested in the shipping business. This video serves as an introduction to the drop shipping mini course. For vessels as diverse as container ships and oil tankers, offshore supply boats and luxury yachts in this course we shall investigate at an introductory level the legal structures and techniques involved in ship registration. Sep 12, 2017 an introduction to shipping tuesday 12 september 2017 oneday course.
Introduction to shipping syllabus commercial geography. Delivered by parttime tutored online learning the popular course gives you a detailed foundation to the whole of the maritime industry, including. The price of this event includes lunch, refreshments and course materials. This course was designed with intent to address all the major issues that south african drop shippers face, thanks to the extensive experience by the course.
Container shipping business, regulations and documentation download the full course syllabus to find out more about each module and what you will learn on the course. We anticipate we will have the courses offered as an online option in the next few weeks. Introduction to shipping maritime management 1 studocu. The course covers the essential elements of vessels, cargo and shipping. Introduction to the ism code maritime training academy. Introduction to the shipping industry danske rederier. Introduction to uk shipping is a one day course which will give participants an introduction to the uk maritime environment and the uk shipping industry an essential course for those wishing to gain a better understanding of this diverse and dynamic industry. Law society of scotland, addleshaw goddard is offering free online course on maritime law. The overall objective of this seminar is to introduce employees with a non shipping background to the shipping industry. Introduction to freight forwarding this course will cover the basics of freight forwarding. Shipping can be a real minefield full of regulations and terms that seem to mean nothing, even when a freight forwarder explains a term it can still make no sense. Introduction to shipping this is a great place to start if youre new to shipping and want to learn a little more about whats involved. Once you have scheduled a course, contact marine personnel at 800.
Former ceo braemar seascope and former president institute of chartered shipbrokers. You can start whenever you like and take as long as you like up to 9 months to complete the course. Apr 19, 2016 this video serves as an introduction to the drop shipping mini course. Introduction to shipping provides an overview of the shipping industry. In providing an authoritative assessment of global shipping. Heres an outline of the entire 10module mini course. Introduction to shipping business exploring the workings of the maritime industry. Shipping management courses in india job oriented courses. Lloyds maritime academy presents a 5day training course on the fundamentals of the shipping industry. Shipping australias online training courses teach and assess the basics of the shipping industry. The overall objective of this seminar is to introduce employees with a nonshipping background to the shipping industry. Step into the shipping world with our new introduction to shipping course.
The introduction to shipping module is ideal for people with little industry experience, but who would like to gain practical knowledge and a sound qualification. This course is aimed at a person wishing to enter the maritime shipping industry, a new recruits starting in the industry or someone who wishes to complement their existing knowledge base. Foreign trade which is constantly striving for properly trained personals and with a vision to help students and working executives wishing to make a career in chartering, shipping, warehousing, logistics and foreign trade, international marketing. It aims to educate and inform newcomers to shipping and those whose jobs require a basic grasp of how the industry works. Introduction to shipping syllabus commercial geography continents. To pursue engineering courses in maritime, you are required to appear the jee main 2020 for undergraduate courses and gate 2020 graduate aptitude test in engineering for admission to the postgraduate courses. Whether you are looking to take your first steps into a new career or if your business would benefit from employees gaining a better understanding of the shipping industry, shipping australia limiteds online training courses are a great starting point.
Introduction to shipping aims to build an understanding of the shipping industry by explaining the role and functions of. The supply chain operations course covers techniques used to optimize flow and focuses specifically on six sigma quality and lean practices. The introduction to shipping programme is offered by the metropolitan college. It defines and describes all aspects of shipping, the personnel who work in it, the.
This oneday course explains the basics of ships and the business of shipping and is suitable for new entrants to the maritime sector. In the supply chain planning course youll master different forecasting approaches. The shipping industry is known to offer many good job opportunities to graduates. The shipping business module is a module from the advanced diploma. The online course consists of 1 module that must be completed within 6 months. Topics include traffic management, warehousing, inventory control, material handling, global logistics, and the movement and storage of goods from raw materials sources to end consumers. All the continents, the major centres of which they are comprised and the manner in which they are grouped in geographical regions.
Introduction to maritime shipping this course will cover the basics of global maritime shipping with a particular focus on containerisation and liner shipping. It defines and describes all aspects of shipping, the personnel who work in it, the history behind it and touches on the financial side of. The author considers that it is important to start the module by trying to clarify what is meant by the term marine surveyor. Its a great introduction to the business, with a lot of detailed information which is clear and easy to read. Graduates possessing relevant degrees and skills are generally able to land well paying jobs in this sector.
In this free online introduction to sociology and social life course you will learn about the three main theories of sociology and focus in detail on the concepts of societies, cultures, and the types of processes that produce them. It covers a wide range of practical shipping disciplines in considerable detail. Introduction to shipping brimming with practical information, examples and interactive activities, this course provides a detailed look at the role and functions of the shipping industry and the responsibilities of organisations, companies and agencies that support it. It also explains the life of a seafarer on board, including their daytoday duties and operations and offers an introduction to some of the international regulations and rules of shipping. The programme deals with the technical, economic and legal frameworks within which daily vital components of general shipping management operate. Like the foundation diploma, the advanced diploma is a recognised and respected qualification and it can count towards professional. They learn the processes for ordering and shipping a. We will examine the process of acquiring and financing of new vessels and secondary market tonnage. The intro to shipping course is a comprehensive one day course that covers key industry topics. Introduction to shipping, certificate metropolitan college athens. Background to shipping training course 5 days of expert insights. This basic course introduces the concepts and strategies of warehouse management operations. An introduction to the maritime sector how ships are sold and purchased the mechanics behind ship registration what flags of convenience are and how they are used international regulations and conventions ship finance shipbuilding contracts there are no special requirements for this course. This course is aimed at a person wishing to enter the freight forwarding industry, a new recruit starting in the industry or someone who wishes to complement their existing knowledge base.
Sep 12, 2017 this oneday course explains the basics of ships and the business of shipping and is suitable for new entrants to the maritime sector. Seaborne trade is about 90% of the total world trade and seafarers contribute substantially by ensuring that. Upon completion, students should be able to identify the different segments of. Introduction to shipping courses stockton riverside college. Background to shipping is a flexible, online introductory course to the shipping business. Certificate in shipping business distance learning course. Over the five weeks of the course we will consider. An introduction to intelligent transportation systems. Sociology pertains to the study of society, human social relationships, and the culture of everyday life. All courses marine training diplomas maritime training academy. On completion of this introductory course, participants shall acquire a fundamental knowledge and be able. Background to shipping training course by lloyds maritime.
The book also covers all forms of shipping documentation, ship types, trade routes and ports. On the second day major regulations and conventions regarding ship safety, security and the protection of the marine environment are introduced. Members of the iaph are eligible for a 15% discount on the fees for this course. The supply chain logistics course will cover transportation, warehousing and inventory, and logistics network design. The module consists of text and charts to help you with your learning and 10 multiple choice questions which you are expected to pass by 70%. Admission to the management course in shipping will be done through mat 2020cat 2020xat 2020atma 2020 entrance examination. Oct 10, 2017 law society of scotland, addleshaw goddard is offering free online course on maritime law.
The participants will obtain a basic knowledge of the shipping industry and its key stakeholders. The course is perfect for administration people who work in the shipping industry or new staff who need to learn about the shipping industry or employees who need a general overview about the maritime sector. This free online course will look below the water line at the unseen legal and transactional structures behind the shipping industry. It also explains the life of a seafarer on board, including their day to day duties and operations and offers an introduction to some of the international regulations and rules of shipping. Transportation courses mit opencourseware free online. Shipping is the most cost effective method of transportation of goods. To understand the importance of the shipping industry. Introduction to shipping bi norwegian business school. This course will provide you with a detailed and comprehensive insight into all aspects of the ism code. Introduction to shipping is designed for graduates who have recently started work in the shipping industry as well as those who have been in the industry for several years and now aspire to move up to a more challenging managment role. Sslc pass in any group or its equivalent first semester course code course title l t p c marks 1 language i 2 1 0 3 100 2 english communication i 2 1 0 3 100 3 core. If you have any queries please contact us on 03 9647 6000. In addition, the course has proved to be of great benefit to.
Sociology and social life free online course alison. Sslc pass in any group or its equivalent first semester course code course title l t p c marks 1 language i 2 1 0 3 100 2 english communication i 2 1 0 3 100 3 core iintroduction to shipping 3 0 0 3 100. This course is ideal for people working for shipping lines, whilst also being especially beneficial to personnel engaged in the wider container logistics and supply chain industry, including those in port operations and in supplying global multimodal logistics services. Shipping provides the courses listed below for our seagoing personnel. The price of this event includes lunch, refreshments and. This course was designed with intent to address all the major issues that south african drop shippers face, thanks to the extensive experience by the course instructor, myself sylvester buti. Learn about the transactions behind the shipping industry via this free online course and explore the practicalities of global trade with ags head of shippi.
Administrative and managerial job posts in shipping sector are particularly very lucrative. An introduction to shipping lisw17petrospot transport. Learn about the operational and commercial drivers of the maritime industry. In this class, students learn about the distribution of products and the ways distribution affects the economy. The course kicks off with an overview of some of the key players in the maritime world the shipping company, its structure, the ship, the crew, different types of cargo and agreements. It has been designed as a stepping stone towards full professional qualification and suits those who have some industry knowledge. Introduction to ship surveying maritime training academy.
Introduction to shipping, certificate metropolitan college. This course provides the learner with a basic understanding of the industry they will be working in and the role that how shipping plays in the global economy. Shipping manager courses are available through bachelors and masters degree programs in supply chain management, international transport and logistics management. Certificate in container shipping lloyds maritime academy.
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